Since 2012 is an election year, I thought I'd post a rambling I did
after being on an airplane for 20+ hours and finding myself jet-lagged
in a Nike conference room somewhere in Asia. --Mark![]() |
(more art here) |
The Candidate Responds
I’m glad you asked that because I think it’s important
that we talk about these things. Things like this need to be talked about and
that’s what we’re here for. Issues of this nature are controversial because
they inspire differing opinions on one or more sides, and it’s this very thing
that I want to talk about today. We must define it clearly, completely, and
And then we must take action. Now. I’m not talking tomorrow or next week. I’m talking now. My staff and I have put our heads together already and looked very seriously at the option of setting up a committee with the expressed purpose of quantifying our discussion readiness potential.
And right now I challenge all of you to prepare yourselves with an awareness and a realization. The things of which I speak today are not trivial minutia to be swept under the rug as my opponent is clearly capable of doing, but real, fundamentally basic, and essential to the very core of the periphery. I’m not just talking about the fringe here. I’m talking about the boundaries, the limits of the envelope, the ragged, tattered and bleeding edge of the furthest reaches of the extension options.
Ask yourselves whom you can count on to lead this kind of exploratory consideration. Ask yourselves to whom you would grant the power to generate clarity around the vagueness in which we find ourselves so deeply and inextricably mired. Would it be my opponent? Until now, he has not rescinded a single misstatement either for or against even the slightest hint of what we’re so boldly proposing.
And I would ask you frankly: what gives him the right to either overtly or covertly derail this steam engine of an agenda that we’re considering proposing not just to this community, but to this nation, and by virtue of that irrefutable fact, to the whole world?
My friends, fellow companions, colleagues, patriots and compatriots. I call you this not just because our addresses are adjacent in some clinically dispassionate series of sequential identifiers leading almost contiguously one to another. The home and hearth where we cradle our children, feed our souls and rest our weary bones does not even approximate the nearness and dearness of those who, though separated by vast geological distances, and even the yawning chasm of diverse and varied ideologies, can solemnly and thoughtfully ruminate on the paradoxes surrounding all discussions of individuality, unity, and the interconnectedness that binds us all, whether in the comfort of our own homes, on the mean streets of our inner cities, in the general milieu of the marketplace or in that still, small, quiet place where the tiniest action can cause a ripple that radiates and expands unceasingly to the ends of the earth.
I’m not suggesting that you ignore my opponent, nor am I suggesting that the things we have spoken of today are the only issues of deep consequence to be explored. Far from it. There are many others too numerous to count.
All I am asking is that you consider the implications of making a foolish commitment to one whose most striking feature is the absence of a repeated denial versus investing in a future filled with limitless possibilities, boundless growth potential, and the opportunity to start at the beginning of the beginning, at the inception of the creation, and be present at the termination of the final completion.
Thank you and good night.
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